Monday, August 31, 2009


Making homemade bread is so satisfying! Seriously it is such an accomplishment to me! Especially when it turns out! It's a hit and miss for me, I really would love a bread maker someday....Anyway I had to take a picture of my beautiful accomplishment because this was one of those times it turned out YEA! Do any of you have a fool proof bread or roll recipes?? Stacie I remember you saying something about whole wheat cinnamon rolls??? Some family from Cali was in town over the week, so I had to include a picture of the girls piled into my moms bed watching a movie, on the end is little Katie bug my cousins little girl! She is a doll!

Monday, August 24, 2009


- Likes to tell me all the time "because I said so mom". She thinks when she says this she will then get her way.
- If Rachel has done something to upset her, she will say.. "you talk to Rachel mom you are the adult".
- Tells me everyday that she is getting married in the temple.
- The other day my mom was talking to Beck on the phone and was asking her if she would like her to pick up an Angelina Ballerina movie, Becca responded with.."Oh my gosh Nana you just got to go grab it".
- Calls Rachel the Prince daily.
-Asks everyday for snow, and wants to watch a Christmas movie. (she must be my daughter ;)
- When I ask what she wants for breakfast in the morning, she will say.."I will have some chocolate please". :)
-The other week I bought Jaws, and the whole way home from the store Becca was trying to convince me that he was a nice shark and that she should watch it! Good try Beck!


- Loves to color! I will ask if they want to color, and Rachel will drop everything she is doing, and come running full speed up to my face and in her little voice say "Yesh"!! (yes)
- Loves snack or anytime of the day that involves eating! She will go to her chair pull it out, and sit and wait (or scream) until food arrives on her plate:)!
- Loves to tease Becca, and will try to get a rise out of her anytime she can, all the while she has a huge smile on her face!
- Loves jewelry. She likes to come into our bathroom and go to the drawer that holds all of my jewelry and walk around like she is hot stuff:).
- Likes to dance to music, and let me tell you this girl can move:).
-likes to read to her self. She will go get a book and go to some corner of the house, and talk out loud! Her favorite book right now is the princess stories book. She has become such a girl!
- She loves this teddy bear back pack she has on in the pictures! She wears it everyday, and likes to wave goodbye and give us kisses like she is going someplace:).

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Becca Drinks a lot of this stuff to your left here....She drinks all day and goes to bed with 2 sippy cups each night 2! She was absolutely excellent at potty training! Until just recently! Seriously this girl never ever wet the bed, never pooped in her pants! She has never even worn pull ups in her life. SO what is the deal here people!!?? For the last week she keeps peeing and at times pooping in her pants!! She refuses to go to the bathroom when it looks as if she is dyeing to go! I don't get it? What do I do? I have tried taking her to time out, taking away her beloved blanket...and yet it continues.....AHHHHHH!!! I need some advice, help me please?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Canoe ride

Yesterday we went to Nathans work party, and they had a little lake you could take a canoe ride on, so we took the girls on it...ya it was kinda scary I'm not going lie. I was nervous we were going to tip (and it was COLD)! Becca as you can tell by the look on her face was not so sure about this herself, but it was fun to give it a try! I sat in the very front with Rachel on my lap, and she thought it was pretty great :). Anywho it was a fun day, here are a few pics!
I love this face! It looks as if I passed down the Raptor Dinosaur gene:) For those of you who don't know I do a fabulous Raptor impression:)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

WHo knew??

That a vacuum and a broom could be so entertaining?? I needed to get some cleaning done the other day, so I pulled out Becks old toy broom and vacuum. If only that vacuum worked I would have had one seriously clean house! They could not stop because if one of them started to walk away from the broom or vac the other one would run after the toy the other one had, so they just had to keep going haha! It was great I got some good cleaning done! And I had two pooped girls by the time they were done and decided it wasn't worth it anymore, even if the other sister got the toy being used.

How do you turn this on mom? Seriously you people!
Still going.......
Tah Da! So proud of herself!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Last week I made some homemade orange marmalade, it was SOOOOO GOOD! So this week I picked up some grapefruits and made grapefruit marmalade! TASTY! I am looking for some more ideas, so please leave me any great tips or recipes! I want to bottle fruit, make salsa??? I want to bottle once a week before summer is over :)!! I have never really done this before, but I love it! Again please send advice my way.