Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day Of School!

Well we did it! Becca went to her first day of Kindergarten (on time I might add). She told me the whole way over that we were going to be late! Words can hardly describe how excited she was! I did ok when I first walked her into the classroom...Then as I was leaving I felt the water works coming on, so I hurried out of there before I set off a chain reaction to all the other parents crowding the exit. When I got home I showed Nathan the pictures I took of our little grown up person trapped inside a 5 year old body. We both sat together and had a good cry:(  Rachel did ok yesterday, then today when Becca left for her second day of school she had a melt down realizing that this would be a recurring event. RayWho really missed her best buddy today.

One other thing...Now that Becca is in school, and dance....I'm finding that just between those 2 things my life is a lot crazier, and I need some better organization in my life to keep my sane! I am already OCD to begin with when it comes to cleaning, but now it just got worse! I need some organizing tips. I want to be able to have a place for all the little things that seem to clutter every path in sight, so that when I am trying to do a quick clean up before I have to bolt out of the house again It can be done quickly but with a purpose,  not just thrown or stashed in someplace...You know? Anyone?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Childhood crush

Do you ever remember a time in your life when you had a crush on a cartoon character? Well I do! I had a big crush on that guy from  Disney s Mulan movie. The pathetic thing about this is that it came out when I was in middle school as I recall, making me a little old to have a crush on a paper drawing. Becca has a thing for Sam from Fireman Sam, it makes me laugh because that is just so her! Have any of you seen that show? It's a British cartoon, and kinda cute.

Below are some pictures of the girls on a typical afternoon at our house....Books everywhere, a movie in the mix, and toys all over the place. Though I usually am the mom Nazi about the girls keeping toys in the playroom, they some how find there way out. Anyway you might also notice a cat in the pictures with the girls, that is Lucius. We have actually had him for a while now. He and Livy are in love with each other. Pets never tend to stay long at our house, but this guy may have made the cut. Time will tell I guess:)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Park City kind of weekend

This weekend we headed up to Park City. We were actually suppose to go to Bear Lake, but we had a last minute change of plans. We were thrilled to make the 20 minute drive into beautiful, relaxing, fun PC :). I checked into the hotel Thursday afternoon with the girls, and we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening with my friend Taryn and her 3 kiddos! We took them swimming, then over to Cafe Rio for some dinner. We must have looked like crazy ladies bringing 6 children with us, but it was totally worth it! Then later that evening Nathan and his parents arrived. We scored an amazing place at the Canyons resort. We got a 2 bedroom suite for a steal of a deal:) I love getting a good deal, it just makes me smile. We did the alpine slide, shopping, swimming, relaxing, and ate loads of yummy food.  Last night we took a ride up the ski tram outside our hotel just for fun, and there just so happened to be an outdoor concert going on at the top that we decided to check out. Oh PC we do love you, and hope to see you again soon!
Nana and Grandpa Lord
Rachel had a year supply of sugar on this trip!
Tickle torture, all our girls have to endure from their dad.
A little pajama dancing in the magical evening light..
I'm not sure what he is doing with his hands, but he is hansom regardless:)
One stroller between 3 kids is never enough, lesson learned.
Tram ride up the hill.
Enjoying a bottle, and some outdoor music. 
The End.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Garden delights

Yesterday we picked these beautiful looking red rubies from our garden. I love having a garden. It is
so fun to take the girls out there with me with a bowl in hand, and pick food for our dinner. Life is good:)

P.S. Have any of you ever grown mint leaves?? I did this year and it turns out that they grow into a HUGE bush! I still love them anyway, more mint water for me please:).
My new favorite kitchen:)
Refreshing mint water....yummy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kindergarten here we come!

Becca is sooooo excited for school to start. She will ask me at least 10x's a day when she gets to go! We took her to the dentist for the first time the other day (I know bad mom award goes to me) to get her teeth checked, and thankfully she has no cavities:)!! I also had to take her in to go get a physical exam. This was all done in the name of school...Can I ask why this is? Do any of you know why my daughter has to have her teeth checked, and have a physical exam to go to school? Lastly on my list is going to get her vaccination exemption form filled out and signed. Yes we do not vaccinate our children. I just have never felt good about it, well I can't just say me, Nathan is just as opposed if not more then I am. Now that the girls are a little older I feel more ok about it then I have in the past. I welcome any opinions you might have on this matter as I am open to the idea.

I have to tell you a little funny Rachel story....

Nathan was tucking her into bed for a nap, and this is the conversation that took place.

Nathan- " Good night Rachel I love you so much"
Rachel- " Dad you not love Livy bugs'?
Nathan- " I love Livy bugs too"
Rachel- " Oh? Dad you not love Becca'?
Nathan- " I love Becca, mommy, Livy and you"
Rachel- " Dad you not love yourself? Cuz I love myself"
Nathan- (laughing) "Yes I love myself too".

She kills me with her humor I love it! She is so funny and full of spunk!