Sunday, August 21, 2011

Park City kind of weekend

This weekend we headed up to Park City. We were actually suppose to go to Bear Lake, but we had a last minute change of plans. We were thrilled to make the 20 minute drive into beautiful, relaxing, fun PC :). I checked into the hotel Thursday afternoon with the girls, and we spent the rest of the afternoon/evening with my friend Taryn and her 3 kiddos! We took them swimming, then over to Cafe Rio for some dinner. We must have looked like crazy ladies bringing 6 children with us, but it was totally worth it! Then later that evening Nathan and his parents arrived. We scored an amazing place at the Canyons resort. We got a 2 bedroom suite for a steal of a deal:) I love getting a good deal, it just makes me smile. We did the alpine slide, shopping, swimming, relaxing, and ate loads of yummy food.  Last night we took a ride up the ski tram outside our hotel just for fun, and there just so happened to be an outdoor concert going on at the top that we decided to check out. Oh PC we do love you, and hope to see you again soon!
Nana and Grandpa Lord
Rachel had a year supply of sugar on this trip!
Tickle torture, all our girls have to endure from their dad.
A little pajama dancing in the magical evening light..
I'm not sure what he is doing with his hands, but he is hansom regardless:)
One stroller between 3 kids is never enough, lesson learned.
Tram ride up the hill.
Enjoying a bottle, and some outdoor music. 
The End.


Audrey Crisp said...

How fun! Your girls are sooo big!!! Cute pics!

Rachelle said...

SO fun!!! You should totally text me when you come along fantastic deals!...seriously!
And, I am pretty sure I saw you at the outlets on Saturday??? You were wearing a denim skirt I do believe - we were driving, or I totally would have stopped!

summer said...

Glad it all worked out - looks like a fun time! And how about Becca and the first day of school - so excited to hear how she liked it all!

Michelle said...

See the brown and cream building in the background of the pictures where Nate and the girls are on the balcony? That's where we were staying. :)I love how close Park City is and still feels like a vacation!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

Park City is the best! Glad you guys got to get away, even if it wasn't quite as far as planned.