Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family in town

My sister came into town with her kiddos, for a few weeks! It was so fun to hang with them! Becca had so much fun having sleepovers with her cousins London and Tyler. She was waking up at the crack of dawn to play with them! Rachel of course was a big hit with London and Tyler, they were always wanting to hold her, and play with her:). We went swimming (when it wasn't raining outside), went to the Library, the children's museum. We went for nature hikes, and just played played played! We sure miss them already:(. Here are a few pictures from the past weeks! My camera died half way through the trip, and I never got it charged, so I missed out on a lot of pictures :(. The Girls had a blast playing in the rain with these umbrellas! However after everyone started getting wacked in the head with them, the umbrellas went into hiding :).
After sidewalk drawing, we had some serious chalk bottoms :)
This was on the roof top at the Salt Lake Library! I was having bad allergies that day, as you can see:(.
I got smarter the next time the kids did some chalk drawing, and removed Rachels bottoms all together :).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This book rocks!!

If you have children this is a must read! I know there are some people out there who are against schedules, for those of you who are not you really really should read this book. It really gives you a heads up and better understanding for infants, and children's need for sleep, and a schedule. It goes through each age group and really teaches you about what it says "healthy sleep habits". This is going to sound like a cheesy testimonial but I have to give it anyway:). We have put this book to work with both our kiddos, and it has been a life savor! Our kids go to bed around 5:30-6:30 p.m. When I tell this to people this they look at me like SERIOUSLY!? The response I get is "oh well your lucky my kids won't go to bed at that time". The thing people don't get is that truly they can and they will, you just need to put them on a sleep schedule. As kids get older there bed time starts to advance to like 8, but that's not until they are around 7 years old. Anyway, the fabulous flip side to this bedtime is that Nathan and I get plenty of adult time, and much needed bonding time with each other! Honestly since we have had kids I have never felt like I have been deprived of me time, or being able to spend quality time with my husband because my kids are in bed getting the much needed sleep they need, and I am getting the down time I need. I know some people also believe it is selfish to let there kids "cry it out" (which is one of the methods in this book). I personally find nothing selfish about letting your child cry it out because you are teaching them to self sooth so they can sleep easier. And it is incredibly liberating for you as a mom to know that when you put your child down (awake) they will fall asleep with out you rocking them to sleep every night. At least that is how I feel:). And they only cry it out for the first few weeks of getting them on this schedule after that it is pretty smooth sailing. Another benefit that the book talks about is sickness. If your child is getting the good sleep that they need, they usually do not get sick as easily. It is so important for little immune systems to get good rest. And we have found that to be true with our kids. They hardly ever get sick, no ear infections Nada! And if they do get sick recovery time is fast. This may not be the case with you, but no matter what time Becca goes to bed, she is up bright and early at 6:30-7 o'clock, but is always much happier when she gets to bed early. Rachel has been going to bed around 5:30 and wakes up around 8 a.m. sometimes 9 a.m.! Anyway I know this got a little long, I just can't help it! When you have info that is so good you just want to share it with everyone so they can benefit from it also! So go to your local library and check this book out or buy it! I think you will find it to be pretty fabulous :). This post was not meant to brag, or to make anyone feel bad! It is simply just to share some WONDERFUL (I think) information! :)

Love Lauren