Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family in town

My sister came into town with her kiddos, for a few weeks! It was so fun to hang with them! Becca had so much fun having sleepovers with her cousins London and Tyler. She was waking up at the crack of dawn to play with them! Rachel of course was a big hit with London and Tyler, they were always wanting to hold her, and play with her:). We went swimming (when it wasn't raining outside), went to the Library, the children's museum. We went for nature hikes, and just played played played! We sure miss them already:(. Here are a few pictures from the past weeks! My camera died half way through the trip, and I never got it charged, so I missed out on a lot of pictures :(. The Girls had a blast playing in the rain with these umbrellas! However after everyone started getting wacked in the head with them, the umbrellas went into hiding :).
After sidewalk drawing, we had some serious chalk bottoms :)
This was on the roof top at the Salt Lake Library! I was having bad allergies that day, as you can see:(.
I got smarter the next time the kids did some chalk drawing, and removed Rachels bottoms all together :).


Audrey Crisp said...

fun! I'm so glad you guys had fun with them! Cool pictures. Cutest little kiddos you guys have! WE are going to be in utah this next week till would be cool if we could see you but i know you live kind of far away? maybe? I dunno! That would be so fun to see you though!

The Frame Family said...

So fun to have family come visit! It looks like all the kids had a great time!

Kristen said...

Don't you just love when they sit all over the chalk and get it stuck to their clothes? Sounds like a fun time.