Friday, July 29, 2011


this was taken this morning, we have been having a pretty chill day which is always welcome:). Yesterday in the car Becca said this to me

Becca- "Mom, nobody wants to marry to me."
Me- "Well, you know kids your age aren't really thinking about marriage yet"
Becca- "Mom will help me find a husband someday who will be good with my kids, and can fix cars?
Me- Trying to not laugh "Sure sweet heart"
Becca- "Thanks mom....You know I'm going to live in Park City and have 3 kids. But you know mom?
Me- "Yes?"
Becca- "I'm going to really miss you, you could have your own room and come live at my house."
Me- Trying not to cry, or laugh. "I will miss you too, and I would love to live in Park City with you".

Rachel then said to me.....
Rachel- "Mom..."
Me -"Yes?"
Rachel- "Your a stinker buns" Said with a huge grin on her face.

I sure love all 3 of my little stinker buns:)!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


This past weekend we headed up to park city for a little staycation. It was a lot of fun! My parents had already been staying at a hotel up there for about a week, because my dad needed to finish his script, so they added a few more rooms onto there suite so that the whole family could join in on the fun! WE spent most of the days swimming, eating yummy food, and just relaxing. On Saturday we drove to Midway before heading home, and got a bite to eat, I then headed over the outlets for a little shopping! If only weekends could last longer. A few pictures from our getaway......

 Cartoons in bed:)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Privacy Please

For some reason my blog isn't private anymore, why this is I am not sure. I am in need of your e-mails so that I can once again make it private:). If you'd like an invite to our blog, then leave your e-mails.

Thank you!

A few of my favorites things!

The girls have been on a point system the last few weeks, and so far it is working out nicely. Becca is much more motivated by it then Rachel, but what else is new!?:) They can earn points towards a toy they want by doing chores I ask them to do, good behavior, acts of kindness, that kinda stuff. Anyway Becca earned some Alvin and the chipmunk beanie dolls, and Rachel asked for Gumby toys. Do you remember Gumby? I loved it! And I love that Rachel loves it too!

I ordered a high chair for Livy, and it is the most fantastic item of baby gear I have ever purchased! EVER!! It's made by Phil and Ted. It is called The Wriggle Wrapper Baby Chair Feeder. It is really really cool. It fits any chair, it is small enough to fit into my diaper bag to take anywhere! And guess what she LOVES it! She cant wiggle out of that baby one bit, it is solid! It honestly makes feeding her so much easier:). Anyway check it on Amazon. So much better then a regular high chair. 

Could she be more adorable!!? The answer is no by the way:)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random funnies

So as we speak Rachel is in time out calling me a "poopy stinky diaper" :) I wish I would write down more often the funny things that come out of their mouths. Anyway these are just a couple of random pictures that I found pretty darn cute and funny.
 The girls being the chipmunks. They are obsessed lately with them, and it's 100% my fault for introducing them to it!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bear lake and such

It gets harder to blog in the summer months, mostly because things are so crazy busy!
These roses are from our yard...I don't like roses as a general rule. These were so beautiful though! And what I loved most is that Nathan went out and picked them:)

Nathan and I just this past weekend decide to ditch our usual routine, and head up to Bear Lake for the 4th of July. His Aunt Melanie owns a cabin that she is always so gracious to share, so we happily took her up on the invite! It was honestly just what we needed. I needed a break from cleaning and total craziness that seems to fill my days lately, Nathan needed a break from working SOO much, and the girls just needed some fun, and new faces to look at instead of seeing mine ALL the time :).
The water levels are finally up, so instead of having to hike a half mile to the beach, all we had to do was literally walk out the front door and you were no longer on dry land! Really awesome! especially when you forget your sunglasses, or the book you wanted to read. Anyway speaking of books....Oh Sunday was just the best honestly! After we put the girls down to sleep in the way too fun bunk-room (meaning they stayed up playing when they were suppose to be sleeping) I took a book and headed outside. I then grabbed one of the chairs and put it right on the shoreline so the water could come up and splash my feet, and I sat there for several hours reading and relaxing. The sunset was the cherry on top, absolutely beautiful!  Then Makenna and I played bad-mitten on the beach until the sun finally set, and the mosquitoes were out in full force! It was a really nice weekend spent hanging out with family, and eating yummy food:). Nathans uncle Carlos made these pork steaks that were pretty much out of this world! HOLY COW! Or pig I should say ha ha! OK that was lame sorry.

I only caught a few pics from the weekend, because I was too busy relaxing. I did however get a few pics of the girls bedroom. We got them a new bunk bed that they are pretty much in love with! BY the way the picture of Rachel with the GINORMOUS bow on her head, was all her doing. I promise I didn't send her to church in it :).