Sunday, July 24, 2011


This past weekend we headed up to park city for a little staycation. It was a lot of fun! My parents had already been staying at a hotel up there for about a week, because my dad needed to finish his script, so they added a few more rooms onto there suite so that the whole family could join in on the fun! WE spent most of the days swimming, eating yummy food, and just relaxing. On Saturday we drove to Midway before heading home, and got a bite to eat, I then headed over the outlets for a little shopping! If only weekends could last longer. A few pictures from our getaway......

 Cartoons in bed:)


Audrey Crisp said...

How fun!! You look skinny btw... Okay so I didn't get a blog invite... Can I get one before you go back private? : )

summer said...

fun! fun! so glad you got away for some time - we love any time we get up to Park City...that place is just fun!