Monday, August 30, 2010

Why I love Fall............:)

September is coming in just a few short days, and I am incredibly excited!!! I get especially excited for falls comings, when I wake up to a dark and stormy chilly day like today.  Becca came into our room this morning and curled up onto a the mile high pile of clean clothes needing to be put away and said "This is a perfect morning". I couldn't agree more I love love LOVE a good stormy day! Nathan opens up all the windows first thing in the mornings, and today it smelled like rain......blissful! I love all seasons, I look forward to change. There is something though that is especially magical about fall........

-I love hearing about back to school time, because it makes me feel like a kid again. Wearing your new outfit, and new back pack, full of new paper, pencils, and books. While I do not wish to go back and re-live school (yuck)! I love to reflect, and think of how exciting it will be for my kids (for Becca, probably more then Rachel due to personalities:).

-I especially love to bake and cook this time of year...yummy soups, and comfort food.

-I love to bundle up by a fire all wrapped up in a blanket, and snuggle into the couch.

-I love The month of October, and the feeling of Halloween in the air! Carmel apples and fun decorations! Weekend movie with popcorn and a good spooky movie. Trick or treating, and the celebration of Becca's birthday...and what a wonderful day a birthday is, especially celebrating the birth of your child. 

-We have a LARGE tree in our back yard that I know will just dump leaves everywhere. I can't wait  for my girls to experience jumping into a pile of leaves. Isn't childhood great??? I mean you wish so badly that they could see it as clearly as you do now, but that is just part of life.

- College football games! When Nathan watches the first game of the season I get so excited because fall is near it's here its here!!!!!!

- Thanksgiving is a tradition I have come to love so much in our house because we have made it our own. We like to stay home and cook up a storm all day, enrobing the house in heavenly smells. Playing with our sweet little girls, and have our Thanksgiving evening with Nathans parents and mine in our home.

- And last but not least, I cannot wait to meet our new little bundle coming this fall!!! Ahhhhhhh..... I can't wait to see her sweet face, and kiss her to pieces, and smell that heavenly new baby smell.....:) Nathan has been renovating our basement and turning the bedroom down there into a guest suite! There is a wood burning cozy fireplace in the guest room that was covered (why we don't know) that is now exposed once again, and we are connecting and expanding the bathroom to the bedroom. It is going to be a deluxe suit if you ask me. We want it done before our little girl gets here so my parents and anyone else coming will have a nice place to stay:). I will post pics of that project in the next post.

And now a few pics that just say fall to me........

Monday, August 16, 2010

6 1/2 months pregnant, & 20 lbs :)

The good news is that I am under my usually weight gain at this point from that of my last pregnancies, I have gained 20 lbs as of today. I guess working out does wonders! Why I never caught onto this before I'm not sure:). The other good news is the baby is doing great. I had to do the glucose test today....can I just say YUCK! Disgusting!!! I wanted throw that yucky orange drink out the window and throw up all at the same time.... Anyway it's over and doneYEA! The baby did not like the drink either, she was moving all over the place. She is still most of the time, I never see elbows, and big kicks, but I sure did today! I went shopping up at the Park City outlets last weekend because of the back to school sales to buy clothes for all 3 girls...Wew! That was expensive! I came home with some darling things for the baby, and Rachel came up to me looked at the little clothes, and said "for the baby" not in the form of the question, but in the form of a statement. It was so cute, because I was under the impression that Rachel was unaware of the upcoming events....just goes to show you. Anyway here are a few random pics of me pregnant, and the girls with London eating ice cream at Thanksgiving Point.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The "I love my husband" post!

You might wonder why I have a picture of our chicken eggs, in a post labeled like it is??? I will explain..... He wanted to get chickens that was all his idea, I on the other hand was kinda resistant to the idea (now I just love those little hens). I love that he loves that kinda thing!  He is always working so hard for our family, and it means the world to me. He is so good to come home after a long day of work to take the girls out to play. By the end of the day with this pregnancy I am tired, pooped, kaput. With out me asking he will get girls ready for bed, sing songs, and read scriptures with them. I can't even tell you what it means to have a man like him in my life! Sure he can be a real stinker at times, but who isn't?:). He  loves to learn. He is so good to sit down with Becca and teach her. He loves to be in bed early, and talk. He hates to be late for church meetings. He loves to keep up on politics. Loves to learn about people, what makes them tick, what they are about. He is very outgoing...I've never met someone with more self-confidence then this guy. He tells me all the time how beautiful I am, he finds me even more attractive being huge and pregnant, honestly.... weird I know:). He even loves the scars on my body left from each baby, he thinks they are beautiful and womanly. He loves the socks off our cute girls, and is so good to them! Thank you for being a wonderful father, husband, and friend.....I LOVE YOU!

I have a few pics of just random summer fun.....The first pic is of our eggs...aren't they beautiful!? The second picture is to show you how different healthy egg yokes are from those of store bought. The yoke from our chicken as you can see is dark orange, meaning it's packed full of nutrients. The one that is from the store pales in comparison:)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Up the canyon we will go!

Last night we went up to Millcreek Canyon for a hot dog, marshmallow roast! It was so beautiful! We had the windows rolled down on the way up, and the minute we entered the canyon the temperature dropped, and just kept dropping..... Heavenly! It was so fun to be up with family, and just enjoy a nice evening out. Here are a few pics. I hope I can get the video feature on this to work, because I caught  some pretty funny dance moves from the girls!