Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The "I love my husband" post!

You might wonder why I have a picture of our chicken eggs, in a post labeled like it is??? I will explain..... He wanted to get chickens that was all his idea, I on the other hand was kinda resistant to the idea (now I just love those little hens). I love that he loves that kinda thing!  He is always working so hard for our family, and it means the world to me. He is so good to come home after a long day of work to take the girls out to play. By the end of the day with this pregnancy I am tired, pooped, kaput. With out me asking he will get girls ready for bed, sing songs, and read scriptures with them. I can't even tell you what it means to have a man like him in my life! Sure he can be a real stinker at times, but who isn't?:). He  loves to learn. He is so good to sit down with Becca and teach her. He loves to be in bed early, and talk. He hates to be late for church meetings. He loves to keep up on politics. Loves to learn about people, what makes them tick, what they are about. He is very outgoing...I've never met someone with more self-confidence then this guy. He tells me all the time how beautiful I am, he finds me even more attractive being huge and pregnant, honestly.... weird I know:). He even loves the scars on my body left from each baby, he thinks they are beautiful and womanly. He loves the socks off our cute girls, and is so good to them! Thank you for being a wonderful father, husband, and friend.....I LOVE YOU!

I have a few pics of just random summer fun.....The first pic is of our eggs...aren't they beautiful!? The second picture is to show you how different healthy egg yokes are from those of store bought. The yoke from our chicken as you can see is dark orange, meaning it's packed full of nutrients. The one that is from the store pales in comparison:)


Audrey Crisp said...

You're so cute to do posts like this Lauren! He is a great guy! Nice eggs... It's scary to see the difference! I need to get organic eggs! Fun pics of the gals!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

Aw...sniff, sniff. Maybe since Nathan is so awesome you should go on a date with him. And, in Becca's words, "These guys could come back and you and dad could go...somewhere else!" I'm ready any time!

Britta said...

Hi! So here's my number and address: 707-217-2520
177 Layton Ave SLC UT 84115