Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day Of School!

Well we did it! Becca went to her first day of Kindergarten (on time I might add). She told me the whole way over that we were going to be late! Words can hardly describe how excited she was! I did ok when I first walked her into the classroom...Then as I was leaving I felt the water works coming on, so I hurried out of there before I set off a chain reaction to all the other parents crowding the exit. When I got home I showed Nathan the pictures I took of our little grown up person trapped inside a 5 year old body. We both sat together and had a good cry:(  Rachel did ok yesterday, then today when Becca left for her second day of school she had a melt down realizing that this would be a recurring event. RayWho really missed her best buddy today.

One other thing...Now that Becca is in school, and dance....I'm finding that just between those 2 things my life is a lot crazier, and I need some better organization in my life to keep my sane! I am already OCD to begin with when it comes to cleaning, but now it just got worse! I need some organizing tips. I want to be able to have a place for all the little things that seem to clutter every path in sight, so that when I am trying to do a quick clean up before I have to bolt out of the house again It can be done quickly but with a purpose,  not just thrown or stashed in someplace...You know? Anyone?


Britta said...

So fun for Rebecca! Poor little Raywho... I didn't even think about that- poor Ella will be devastated when Katie goes off to kindergarten! For organizing I guess just have a lot of baskets and such handy?

Chelsie said...

Pretty sure that I just cried too! hahaha. I can't believe that she is that old. Goodness! I am excited for her though. I bet she just can't even stand it!

Rachelle said...

SO sweet!!!

summer said...

Congrats to you all! She looks so thrilled to be there - I remember the exciting feeling of everything being just for me in my classes...well, and other kids, but you know YOUR desk, YOUR supplies, YOUR experience :)

Hope Rachel is a little happier with the set-up. It won't be long until Olivia is more of a playmate - but then that means time is going to keep going forward, so forget I said that! :)

Tell Becca her NY cousins say hello and good job on her first days of school!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

Okay, even I am crying about Becca's first day of school! Lance is definitely going to have to be the one to drop our kids off. :) I'm glad that kindergarten is just a few hours - much easier to ease into things. Do you have a Pinterest account? If not, you should get one - there are ZILLIONS of great organization ideas on there. I'm like you - I love to have everything really clean and organized, and it drives me nuts if they're not. In fact, I'm off to go organize my craft supplies!

Audrey Crisp said...

How fun for her! Yes get a Pinterest! You'll love it!