- Likes to Boss Rachel around A lot! So I will tell her "Becca don't worry about what Rachel is doing, you let me worry about her". She will then reply with "Ok mom you worry about her then please"!
- Nathan and I keep finding Becca on her floor anytime we go check on her after she is asleep. She likes to sleep there. Even if we move her she just goes right back. So now when I lay her down I just put her to bed on the floor. I feel like a mean mom doing this, but hey that's what she wants.
- Loves to be dramatic just like the princess movies she watches (I am contemplating burning them all:). So when she is upset she goes running off to the stairs and will fake cry.
- Also just like in her movies (they occasionally burst out into song:) Becca loves to mimic the singing. She will go outside onto our back Patio, and sing at the tops of her lungs whatever happens to pop into her heard at the moment. Usually it's about rainbows, and wondering when her prince will come to find her. Being her mother I can honestly say it is pretty off key 99% of the time but still pretty adorable! :)
- She is becoming pretty defiant lately, and really likes to say NO to us. I think she has picked this up from Rachel, seeing as how she is the queen of NO:).
- Nathan leads the music in sacrament meeting. A lot of the time Becca likes to go sit up there with him. This usually means she is right beside him leading the music to the congregation, and it is pretty dang cute!
- Says the longest, cutest prayers. She will usually just start talking about whatever she is seeing around her, and start blessing it. The best one yet was the other day. We had company over for dinner, Becca wanted to bless the food, instead she said this.... "Please bless me that I wont pee in my pants". I was laughing so hard!
- Loves to sit on people. If you are trying to lay down on the ground she will come running! The best is that she most always picks Becca as her target. This is the dialog that usually takes place...
Becca: "Mom Rachel is sitting on me..can you get her off please!"
Me: "Becca you are bigger than Rachel, you really need my help?"
Becca: (a few minutes later) "Mom...I still can't get her off HELP!"
- Like I mentioned above, Rachel's favorite word is definitely NO! And she can't just say it once it usually goes something like this "No no no no no no".
- Doesn't say much, so when she is upset and trying to communicate what she wants she comes right up to your face and Yells! Pretty loud I might add. Sacrament meeting has proven to be difficult in light of her tantrums she can throw. Especially when your husband leads the music, and both children want to be up there with him.