I thought I would write a little about what my girls are doing lately, more so so that I will remember (since blogging is my online journal).
- Loves to boss her little sister Rachel around. She will get down to her level on the floor and say "now listen to me Rachel, no hitting ok?" It is so funny to watch.
- She also does not like Rachel to touch any toys, as she claims they are all hers. So she tries to be sneaky about it because she knows she will get in trouble for taking toys away from her.
- She also has decided to start bossing me around. I was singing the Cinderella song the other day, and she said "Mom stop singing ok?" uhhh, what?! My voice must be worse then I thought.
- She loves sauce on all food, doesn't matter what kind of sauce it is.
- She loves to give us a thumbs up! With both thumbs! We have no idea where she picked this up but she does it when she wants something. She will say "go to the Library ok?! " with a squinty eyed smiled and 2 thumbs up.
- She loves anything pink! And loves to find letters where ever she is, as she is learning them, or should say has learned them!
- Is so incredibly determined. If she wants something she will get herself to it (she scoots, not crawling yet). And what ever it is goes directly into her mouth.
- She loves to giggle, and grab your face
- She blows bubbles all the times, and loves it!
- Is eating bananas, but would prefer to eat any food we are eating!
- Loves Loves Loves to have your attention please! :) She is such a sweet heart. Nathan and I claim that we want to each take a big bite out of her, but have refrained time and again from doing so. She just is just so tasty!
Ok so now here are some pics from Labor Day!
Nathan's haircut rocks! I hope he doesn't hate me for it, but he looks awesome! Now...down to business! Where have you been all my life?! We really need to hang out again soon! Love your guts!!!
that's such a cute pic of you! You look like Britney Spears...(When she is in her cute phase....) anyway...I love the Alpine Slide! I was so scared the first time and then I loved it! That is hilarious about REBECCA! she rocks! cute pics of rach and nate too!
I love the alpine slides! The coaster is awesome too!
I don't really know if I have a feeling as to what it is. We all think it's a girl, but that doesn't mean anything. I was having super weird dreams a couple weeks ago, but they've been tapering down. We'll see!!
Hey girl! Cali is okay. I like it I guess. I miss my family and friends and work is just not the same. I really don't make as much as I did in Orem and It costs tons more to live here! But I like our apartment and it's cool to be in a new place. We are coming to Orem for Thanksgiving. (November 25th-30th!) So we will have to get together and do something! I wanna see your cute kids! I miss you!
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