She is absolutely obsessed with plugs! If she finds a cord or anything else that looks like it will go into the plug, she will crawl far and wide (all over the house) until she finds the plug socket. And then throws a HUGE fit when it inevitably gets taken away from her by her mother:).
She loves taking baths. She thinks it is her own personally drinking fountain, and will not stop drinking it until I finally take her out. (yuck)
When she is being held (all the time because I am putty in her hands). She loves to look at your face and study it. She then will try and keep trying to poke your eyes out.
She loves to brush her own hair. When she comes into our bathroom she goes straight to the drawer with the brushes in them, and will proceed to brush away, and loves every minute of it:).
When served food she does not like, she will put her head down dramatically on the table and cry and cry until she we give her something worth eating in her opinion:). And will then smile hugely and throw her other food happily to the ground. (Stinker)
She it so much fun, and has become the new Queen of drama in our house hold! We love you little Ray Ray!
She sounds pretty funny! Those pictures are so cute :)
nice...she is such a cute little stinker!
So cute! I love how their own little personality totally shines through! What a doll! I wish they were able to play with the boys all the time! I'm sure they would have a blast!
hey chica thanks..i try to keep it fresh....just go to
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