Monday, April 26, 2010

This and That

So I am realizing I never did a post about Easter, so I have a few pictures on that. As I mentioned in our last post, we bought....chickens? Why you might ask? We decided we wanted our own organic eggs at the price of FREE! Well kinda free, we have to build the coop for them to live (I have pics of that process), and we had to buy the chickens, but all in all worth it I would say. We are also putting in a GARDEN!!! I am so excited!! Can you tell?? We have never had one before. We decided to do a box garden, and so far we have the box built, the soil, and the starts, now we just need to plant them. I can't wait to have yummy tomatoes out of that garden (assuming they grow, and I don't kill them;). Our Saturdays have been crazy from sun up to sun down lately working on these projects, but it is all worth it. And last but not least a quote of the week from Becca...

Becca: Rachel your breath is really stinky!
Rachel: Stinchy??

And now a few random pics of Easter, chicken coop, the girls, and I don't remember what else? I will post pics of the coop once it is finished...

Monday, April 19, 2010

The cravings begin.....

I have been wanting very specific foods lately. And I have to eat what sounds good or I get nauseous. Some have been weird cravings like my sudden need today for oysters, I like oysters but it is not something I ever think to order. It also can't be just any oysters, I want Oysters Rockefeller...I know kinda weird. The other night I had to have Market Street Clam Chowder! Lucky for me they sell it at their front counter in already prepared containers to go. The other thing I want all the time is orange juice. We never buy juice, we just never really do, maybe once a year? So I finally bought some and I have found though that when I feel nauseous I drink OJ and the world is right again!TA DA! I grilled up a portobello mushroom the other day and put it on a sandwich with lettuce, cheese, pepper-cot jelly & mayo yummmmm (my mouth is watering again just thinking about it). The other day I went to Costco in search of deli pickles and kalamata olives. I'm sorry I know this post is boring, you are a saint if you read this. I just wanted to write down these weird cravings I have been having. Did I also mention be bought chickens??? Well we bought six living chickens that are currently in our back yard, I will write more on that in my next post...

Monday, April 12, 2010

A fact......

With my last 2 pregnancies I gained close to 50lbs....(huge sigh). I was asked all the time if I was carrying twins (no!!!!) I know with that much weight gain you should expect twins out of it, but no just no. This time I would like to try to gain oh lets say close to 30? I have introduced this new thing into my world called "working out" we will see if this helps:). It really doesn't help that I am hungry all the time either. I wake up in the morning just starved! I am sure I need to lay off the baking thing for a while (I say this while I am looking up yummy desserts on Bakerella). If any of you have any other wonderful tips I would gladly hear them PLEASE! I know the most important thing is a healthy baby above all, I just think 30lbs ought to be plenty, I mean honestly don't you think? I am done ranting now I just had to get that off my chest.  I am thrilled to have a new baby come to our home even if it does end up being a whopping 50 lbs again! The things we do for our children :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

We made a snow man in April?????

Yesterday it snowed all day long, I think we got a little over 6 inches. The girls and I attempted to make a snowman, or the snow woman (who looked like she could have joined the football team). We decided in honor of it being April 1st to put in cadburry chocolate eggs for the eyes and mouth, and a strawberry for the nose (or because we didn't have the carrots, and coal). Becca wanted a magic hat like off of frosty the snowman....she settled for a plastic cup instead:). Anyway here are a few pictures from the days events. Also I had to throw in one of Rachel eating some pudding, you will see why. First a few quotes from Becca.......

- I might be a swan for a lot of minutes mom.
- I do not like to eat fish (talking to her Nana) Nana replies with: Well sometimes we eat salmon. Becca: Yes I like salmon & bees make honey so we can eat peanut butter sandwiches.
- Becca was racing to get to the potty she started to go piddle before she was fully seated, and we hear her say to herself "that was close".

To answer a few questions from the last post. I know the stork was blue, I just thought it was cute, but really we will be happy with a boy or a girl. I am about 6 weeks along so I am guessing my due date is going to be end of November beginning of December. I will see a doctor end of this month to find out for sure.Our back yard..Is that some green I see?

I love this tree, it is just so HUGE!

Snowman/women melting already