Monday, April 12, 2010

A fact......

With my last 2 pregnancies I gained close to 50lbs....(huge sigh). I was asked all the time if I was carrying twins (no!!!!) I know with that much weight gain you should expect twins out of it, but no just no. This time I would like to try to gain oh lets say close to 30? I have introduced this new thing into my world called "working out" we will see if this helps:). It really doesn't help that I am hungry all the time either. I wake up in the morning just starved! I am sure I need to lay off the baking thing for a while (I say this while I am looking up yummy desserts on Bakerella). If any of you have any other wonderful tips I would gladly hear them PLEASE! I know the most important thing is a healthy baby above all, I just think 30lbs ought to be plenty, I mean honestly don't you think? I am done ranting now I just had to get that off my chest.  I am thrilled to have a new baby come to our home even if it does end up being a whopping 50 lbs again! The things we do for our children :)


Stacie Aho said...

It is so hard, because you don't want to be worrying about that when you're pregnant! I gained about 25 with each, but I never watched what I ate. I think you should just listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry, or else you will binge! Some bodies need to gain more than others... and look at you now, you're tiny! It's not like you keep the weight on. I'm so excited for you!!

Rachelle said...

Well, I still have 13 weeks to go and im already at 29 pounds. So there ya go! Might as well live it up while you can right?

Kristen said...

Oh but Lauren you lose it so quickly and you would never be able to tell that you did. Where me on the other hand, gains about 30 with each but you can tell that! Each pregnancy is so different so hopefully this one you will just crave good things! I tried to always have a salad for lunch, then I was getting some veggies and felt I could eat what I wanted at dinner.

Audrey Crisp said...

HAHA.. you're so cute Lauren. Man... I know I'm gonna get real fat when I get pregnant. You always look really skinny and great after so I wouldn't worry about it! I'm hungry and eat all the time now... man watch out when I get pregnant! HAHAH... Good luck with the whole working out thing. I hate working out too. I guess I'm just lazy!