Monday, March 22, 2010


That would describe how I feel about this health care bill that is going to be passed...And why is it being pushed so hard and fast into our face?? This has nothing to do with being conservative or liberal or the new term they are using (progressive). This has everything to do with just good common sense. Just tell me what government run program that is actually effective? I am being serious, please if there is something I do not understand then inform me please! Anyone who does not live in the United States will tell you what a nightmare it is going to a hospital in their country....why do we want the same thing?? So again please what am I missing here?? I know we always want to think that the big bad corporate America is out to get us and that the government will come in and save us, but that is just so not the case. The government is generally not looking out for your best interest. They are covering their behinds, and most of them are full of crap, on both sides democrat or republican.


summer said...

agreed. I can't understand it - people want the gov't to live their lives for them it seems. I can't believe it went so fast....there was absolutely no compromising, which wasn't what I wanted anyway....I wanted the bill on the floor, to be swept away with all of Obama's other lies and promises that he can make our life so much better. What a lie he and other politicians are pulling.

In the end, I believe he will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history - although today you would hear otherwise. I have zero respect for that man...he bought many votes from those that were trying to hold on to Pro-Life issues, promising them that abortion will not be funded. What a lie....what a man delivering those lies. I just don't think we even get how much trouble we are in....

on a brighter note - thanks for the visit the other night. We obviously got out on the flight and are home. Madeleine was praying so hard that we would get bumped...but I suppose we were meant to come home when we did. Tell the girlies hello from us!

Brad and Liz said...

"Free" health care. Nothing is free ... everyone is eventually going to pay loads in taxes. The federal government will control 1/6th of our economy, we are essentially moving from a capitalist country with interest in the free market to a socialist country.

There was a decent number of democrats that voted AGAINST the bill ... that to me says something. No bipartisanship - because not ONE republican in the House voted for it. The only bipartisanship was AGAINST the bill. (Again, this should be telling Americans something.) My favorite quote was from Nancy Pelosi, though, when she said, "We'll find out what's in the bill once it passes." (Not verbatim, but the generally idea. Seriously ... this woman could be our president if something happened to Obama and Biden? Yikes.)

Eventually, our country will be bankrupt. The economy is already crippled ... and yet the government is wanting to spend ... MORE?

Lauren said...

The word I would use is SCARY! I have never hated before, but thats the only word I can think of to use for Pelosi, and Obama (I refuse to call him President because he does not deserve that title). I want to scream anytime I see their faces. I feel like everything about that man has been a lie.

I also want to scream any time I hear someone say "The rest of the world has Universal Health Care, it's time we jump on board."????? Are you insane!!!! What I want to say back is "Go live in another country and leave the free world alone!! I don't want anyone here that wants socialism, that is what use to make this country such a great place to live....." And you are right nothing is free, anyone who honestly believes that is a genuine IDIOT! Like our freedom in this country was that free? That's what makes me feel sicker than sick. Do people realize what was given to have a country like ours? What so many sacrificed? And it seems as if they are willing to hand our freedom over to the government like it was nothing.

I think most of America has made it clear that we did not want this. So Obama looking out for our best interest?.....Biggest load of poop I have ever heard! And you are right even good amount democrats did not want this, but bribes always seem to do the trick. And why we let crap like that happen is a whole other can of worms

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

Ditto to everyone's comments. The crap he's pulled in one year make me terrified to see what happens in the next 3. One thing he's done pretty consistently is "sneak" things through, as quickly as possible, before we even know what hit us. Scary is right...

Kristen said...

Amen sista! Amen!

Audrey Crisp said...

I think it's ridiculous too...