Sunday, January 23, 2011

January Days.....

So far we have had a pretty calm January, the girls have been good considering how many days it seems we stay cooped up in the house. For a while now I have been festering over whether or not I should put Becca in school....I finally made up my mind (it was not easy) to let her go to preschool. She is such a social little bug. She did not even take one look back at me when she went to class, she practically bolted for the classroom leaving her teary eyed mother in the dust! Needless to say she is pretty darn happy about school, she likes to come home and tell Rachel all about it. A few quotes from the girls, pictures and a recipe for a delicious shake...YUm!

Rachel "Mmmm Mmmm mom I like your recipe" commenting on the dinner I made her and apparently liked. 

Becca Had a very stinky toot so Nathan thought that she needed to go to the bathroom, her reply was "No no it was just a woosh of gas."

SO lately in the mornings I have been making what my mom calls a "fruit pudding shake." My grandma used to make it for her kids, my mom made it for me and my siblings, now I am making it for my kiddos! I think it is really creamy, yummy and delicious......

Fruit Pudding shake

- 2 whole gala apples peeled cored and chopped
- 1 whole avocado scooped
- Apple juice to desired thickness

Put all of the above into a blender and blend away until creamy and smooth. I know you think it probably sounds weird, not to mention any names TARYN!:) However like Taryn came to find it was in fact incredibly good. Give it a try your kids will love it, as will you.

Do you remember the sister song from "White Christmas"? This is the girls take on that song.

Popcorn is a daily staple at our household

Bath time + Ray Who = a good time always

I consider myself to be very accepting of others.....I am especially accepting of "special" people:)

 Becca on her first day of school

Makenna came to play the other day, and this is what part of the day consisted of..
If Olivia could speak she would be saying "You guys are really sick....You know that right"? Lola the cutest dog ever is in love with our little Ollie bug, she wanted a good wiff of her before she had to leave:).


Rachelle said...

So fun....preschool!!!
I seriously cant believe how much Becca looks like you, so cute!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

I'm not going to lie - your shake sounds nasty. BUT, I trust you so I'm going to give it a try as soon as I can get my hands on an avocado. My shakes never turn out good so any recipes are greatly appreciated. Cutest videos of the girls singing!! I'm glad Becca's loving preschool - no surprises there. She looks so excited in those pictures! Olivia's getting so big and cute!!

summer said...

wow - big things at your house! congrats on pre-k for Becca, I'm sure she is as thrilled as she looks in her pictures! Also, the sisters dance was great - my mom wanted my sisters and I to do a mock routine of that at our wedding reception or wedding dinner - we had a few fun numbers and it could have been a great memory....we just ran out of time. Oh well - it's still a great song to belt out and enjoy with sisters!

Olivia already look so much older! Where is that pause button for a newborns life? Enjoy them all - looks like every day is a great day at your home.

Audrey Crisp said...

Yeah the shake sounds disgust. but I'll trust you too... after all, you ARE family. LOVE the video of the girls singing and dancing. hilarious. Those special glasses are too funny....