Friday, May 8, 2009

Things I LOVE about Summer time!

Now that I have kids I seriously have gone back to loving Summer like I did when I was a kid! I just get so excited for the girls to wake up from nap time so we can go be outside in the warm sunshine, and play on bikes, and eat Popsicle's and watermelon! YEA! And as soon as our pool opens, we will be in it no doubt just about everyday! I just have so many fond memories of being a kid, and a lot of the best memories include summer time! My sister, little brother and I use to play for hours on end in our sandbox growing up, we would fill it with water and play play play. Riding bikes all day! Bryn I don't remember how old we were but I think for one summer straight you could find us on our bikes everyday! Night games! Oh I loved night games so much, good times:). Disney Land was a summer vacation we did about every summer, and I still love it! Any who as I started writing this post I thought it would be fun to post some pics of me from when I was younger of summer activities, these are not flattering pictures but hope you enjoy!

Disney Land! A major summer favorite! Guess which one I am in this pic.
I am pretty sure that is chocolate all over my face!

I never could pull a normal face in pictures when I was little! This was in our backyard
I believe this was in middle school, and that is Bryn Dahle, and Jessica Burton, with Simba Bryns dog. I loved sleeping outside in the summer! Who didn't?

This was at Del Coronado Beach! I love that place, and I loved this trip because it was just me my mom and my sister so much fun!

1 comment:

Audrey Crisp said...

Yes design definitely runs in the family! FUN!!!! I loved seeing all those old school pics! you were so cute! I had fun playing with you too back in the day! I wish we lived closer to each other! We are coming to Utah June 4-8th! So not for very long! I might stay longer by myself and fly home..I'd love to see you maybe! And we will be there the first week or so of August before we head to London for the Fall. So I hope at least one of those times we can see each other!