Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A few things

Somethings I have come to learn about myself, and accept....Other things I am still trying to overcome, or I am still in denial about. A list.....

1- I am a bit of a hermit. Honestly. I am perfectly fine being cooped up in my house during the winter time (or anytime for that matter), and not being social during the week. I do like to play on the weekends when I have Nathans help with the girls.

2- I do not go to play groups with other moms I really could care less. This is one I am trying to over come. Becca loves kids, and plays with them when they are outside in our neighborhood. For me this seems to be enough, for her I don't know? She and Rachel love to play together though and I am in no hurry to see that go away.

3- I am OCD about having a clean house. I have mentioned this a time or 2 I think? I can't leave the house with out it being clean, which makes leaving the house with myself and 2 kiddos stressful, and so I avoid it most of the time.

4- I am not a natural at teaching. I feel like my girls are these little sponge's who soak up so much, and most of the time I wonder.... what are they soaking up? Because I think I fail to teach them things they could be learning.

5- I don't have schedules of any kind accept for a sleeping schedule for my girls. I get stressed out easily if I have a schedule to go by.

6- I have not gotten to know my neighbors like I should. I have lived here for a year, and have little to show for that... One of those things I would like to change, but do I??? no.....

7- I wanted to sign Becca up for a dance class this fall, but I have changed my mind a bit. I know she would just love every minute of it. I love that she is home though with me, and that we have no interruptions to her pretend play. My other thought was that a time will come in our lives when things will be busy enough with the, dance, friends, sports etc. And I want to delay that a little longer. Or maybe I am wrong about this?

8- I am not sure what to do about school with Becca... I am scared to death honestly to send her to school. It seems every time I read the news another teacher has sexually molested a child. Does anyone have any suggestions? I keep thinking a private school maybe the only way to go....but again I don't know.

9- I am an online shopaholic! I am! I need a better hobby as Nathan would say....I am terrible at sewing I tried that (I don't have the patience for it). Maybe knitting? A lot of the time when I have free time I just like to sit and think. One of the things I am denial about..... I like to think of myself as a fun person.. after reading this I have come to the conclusion that that is probably not the case. Haha!

10- I love movies! Nathan is gone all day and night because he started his masters of accountancy program, and works full time. This does not bother me, because I get to watch a movie most every night after I put the girls to bed. I should be more productive with my time...but I am not (I should want to change this).

11- I think that is all for now. (I am in denial that there is more to add to my list:)


Rachelle said...

HAHA! You are so funny! We all have our little things...But I love that you just posted yours! maybe ill do mine some time. And what do you mean you need a new talent? you are like the master of decorating your home! Did you get my email?

summer said...

1) Do what you feel impressed to do, and don't feel guilty with the other things. You are right...soon enough your schedule will have much added and it will be full (to over-flowing), so focus on what is right at the moment {and only you/you&Nathan know what is right for your family}, and the other things will fall by the way side or be scooped into what you really want to do. Good luck!

2) I'm not doing playgroups right now, Jacob is too intense and I end up feeling bad for him, like I'm a bad mom...on and on. For him it's the best choice - for me I miss socializing with other moms...but I just can't handle everything that comes with it. If it feels right to go, babystep going in and see how things feel. You'll be able to quickly see if it's best for you and the girls!

3) Please tell me how to be a little more OCD about the clean home part...I could use a little of that! :)

4) You are great at teaching your girls! I was just talking to a friend about ideas for teaching her daughter today and shared something that I'm always try8ing to do, and that is instead of thinking thoughts in my head, I try to explain what I'm doing, seeing, feeling, experiencing - with the kids. As I see it, our homes and lives are Little Learning Labs, and our children are lucky to participate in these every day! Your girls are super smart and you teach more than you realize, but it's always a good reminder for me to talk more to my children about EVERYTHING!

5) I'm only just now embracing a schedule - more out of necessity than desire to...I feel too constricted by them! Bryson laughs each time I say I'm going to start a schedule..I've probably started dozens since we've been married, only to have most of them end up in the trash. I'm with you - schedules can stress a person out!

This was a nice insight to are super talented and have so much to give - focus on your strengths as you have SO many!

{if I share things about me, it would have to start out...tries to be concise, but can never do in point!}

Audrey Crisp said...


Kristen said...

You are great Lauren. The whole school thing hit me hard since I don't know if you knew, but we homeschooled Nathaniel for the month of September. Yep, just one month. Then I really decided that this wasn't the time right now. But, just because it's a private school doesn't mean it will be totally better and everything will be okay. Whatever happens at public schools can happen at private. Anyways, loved to read about you!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

I loved your list - I feel like I could have written it myself.