Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Park City

We went and spent the day up in Park City! My dad needed to get away and write 2 scripts that he needs to turn in in 2 weeks, so they got a place away from home because they have company staying at their place. So I came up with the girls for the day to use the awesome pool, and go to the outlets of course:). Anyway here are a few pictures from our day! I love the ones of the girls in the tub because they were having a bubble bath, and Beck wanted to turn the jets on in the tub and it like tripled the size of the bubbles! Rachel was a little unsure about the situation:).


Audrey Crisp said...

that place looks amazing! i'm glad you guys had a great time! Love those pics. your bread pic looks amazing too! I've never tried to make bread ever! i love how you twisted it too. look at you all martha stewart ish! : )

Kristen said...

Wow, looks incredible. Rachel is getting so much older! I love her hair and her freedom in the pool!

Stacie Aho said...

So fun! That place looks crazy nice!