Wednesday, March 23, 2011


So I don't know about some of you but so far this month has been kinda blah...know what I mean? The flu, or cold, or whatever ever you want to call it came to visit at our house totally uninvited (so rude I know) but whatever. Then Becca came down with another bug which stayed with her for about a week (not normal for her) and is finally on it's way out we think....

Since the days have been a little blah around here, I have actually started a cleaning chart...I know boring stuff, but it has been awesome for me. I am notorious for having huge piles of laundry at all times in my laundry room....NOT anymore ;). Yep that's right! I decided 2 set aside 2 days out of the week where I clean and actually fold all laundry. And 2 days out of the week (not on laundry days) where I clean bathrooms. The other stuff on my list like mop floors once a week and dust have yet to really happen. But hey whatever.

Most days I am cleaning and making food all day long, and yet I sometimes feel like I have not accomplished any thing in that day because...... Kids and I are still in Pj's, the house is still a mess (even after all the cleaning), someone had a potty accident and now the carpet, or newly cleaned clothes are then covered in that potty accident. I realize that the house can not always be perfectly clean (or I would like to think I realize that). I know I have to let things go. Life with three kids is messy, and thats life. On the days that I take that little thought to heart, I find that I enjoy that day so much better because I...

A. Played with my kids (instead of worrying about all messes being made).
B. Am still in my Pj's, but realized how awesome it is that I get to have a stay at home mommy career, that has no dress code, so I can wear whatever I want =), and frankly I choose pj's!
C. Just relaxed more in general. Baked something yummy. Bundled up on the couch with my kids and watched a movie. Is anyone else totally excited for Tangled to come out???
D. Cleaned in moderation.

So basically when I do the things I just listed...that truly is my ideal day.

I am getting so excited for spring, and summer to arrive! I want to start planning our garden, and playing outside. Do a major spring cleaning, and throwing out crap in our house that we don't use. Take the girls swimming. I can't wait to see Olivia's chubby body in swim attire! Have more day light hours...I love when Nathan and I have tucked kids in bed for the night on summer evenings, because we can lay a blanket out on our grass and sit and talk, and it is still light out! I can't wait to barbecue, and roast marshmallows in our fire pit. And plant flowers! See my girls run around on our grass in shorts, and t-shirts! Watch thunder and lighting storms from our wonderful covered patio.

Here a few random pics from the last week.

That little bald head so so soft and fuzzy. oh my heavens she is so CUTE!
Rachel licking the bowl clean.


Kristen said...

Wahoo for a schedule for cleaning! I think that it totally takes off any guilt, saying to yourself, ya know I should really be doing.... Love it! I can't wait to hear how it works for you! I want to see some pictures of you on your blog Lauren! You do have cute girls, but it's always fun to see your face too! Miss you guys!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

I'm just going to give this post one giant amen.

Chelsie said...

Yeah for summer!!! I can't wait either! We really need to have crab fest this summer! We will come down for it. Maybe we will even be back in Utah by then. I think having a cleaning schedule is a great idea. I don't even have kids and I think that I am going to implement that into my life. I think that it would make things a lot easier. Anyways, love your post!!

Audrey Crisp said...

Good for you girl! I think you're super woman! You are making me want warm weather too! It's been cold and rainy here... Blah... Cute pics!

Michelle said...

I buy sweats more than anything cuz that's what I end up wearing all day! And what's a clean house? I gave up trying! We'll have to do more playdates to give me an excuse to get dressed for the day! Bring on the sun!!