Friday, November 12, 2010


We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog to give you an exclusive, never before seen post from Mr. Lauren Lord. We'd like to introduce you to the newest addition to our family, ______  ______ Lord (we haven't chosen a name yet.) She was born on 11/11 at 11:11 PM. She comes in at 6 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing magnificently, and sisters are as excited as can be. As soon as she is able, Lauren will give you a whole rundown on the labor and delivery, as well as answering the question you're all asking: epidural or natural?

Here are some quick pics, with more coming soon...

Thank you for your prayers and faith on our behalf - we are evidence that they worked!


Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations you guys!

I'm so glad everyone is doing well.

Audrey Crisp said...

That's so exciting! YAY! Congrats! She was two weeks early! So fun! I want to come see you guys when we come up to Utah for THanksgiving! Glad everyone is doing well! Such a cutie!

summer said...

Yeah! What fabulous news! Madeleine was SO excited to hear another girl cousin (she already knew, but she loves when more girls join the family...she thinks of them as her adopted sisters I think!). We are so grateful the labor went well - 3rd time is the charm, and then maybe, just maybe that might be reason to have a 4th :) Enjoy the 3rd for now and all the deliciousness and wonder that newborns bring!

Loves to you all!
The (other) Lord's

Kristen said...

OH I have been thinking about you guys so much! I can't wait to hear her name. She looks so sweet I can almost smell her from here. Those cheeks look so soft and the little chin...could eat her up. Love her from us!

Britta said...

COngrats! Can't wait to hear how it went.

Stacie Aho said...

She is perfect!! Congrats you guys! :)

We are 3. said...

Congrats!! I got a call from Grammy yesterday bearing the good news. It was cute... she could't remember all the "11's" but said there were lots involved! :)
She is beautiful!