Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or treating, pumpkin carve, baby's room.........And a new Holiday!

That was a loaded description! I am lazy and just want to put this all into one post so stay with my here....

First off, we finally got around to carving our pumpkins Friday morning. The girls loved it up until scooping out the pumpkin innards, and then they were done. Then on Saturday we took the girls to the neighborhood right by us called Shenandoah?? (I think that's how it's spelled) That is where Nathans aunts, and grandma live.....can I just tell you what a magical Halloween experience that was? Every house was decked out in awesome Halloween decor, it felt like we were walking on the back lot of a movie set! Trick or treaters were everywhere with families filling the streets! They had these grim reapers walking around all dressed up on huge stilts with baskets full of candy. Becca and Ray could not get enough, Rachel kept saying "another house, another house"! We ended the night by stopping off at this cute old lady's house in our ward that makes homemade doughnuts! Heavens, they were delicious! Needless to say I have not enjoyed Halloween this much since I was a kid....maybe even more. Then that night Nathan brought our lit pumpkins into the house, the girls requested that the pumpkins they carved go into their bedroom, so in they went. Nathan kept ours out by us to watch a scary movie by. We watched the "Burbs" and ate way too much candy!

Today I am realizing something.....Our new baby is going to be here sooooo soon! And I am not ready yet! I have been in major nesting mode lately. Today I am feeling ambitious, and I think I will get Halloween put away, and put Christmas up! Yes you heard me right. Hey you go to all the trouble and time to get it all put up and then a month later you have to take it all down? Not at our house. I have decided that I want to enjoy it longer since I go to so much trouble putting it all out. Plus when baby comes I know I will be too tired to get it out. Don't get my wrong we LOVE Thanksgiving in our house, and we are not skipping over it by any means, but......
1- I don't decorate for Thanksgiving
2- I love nothing more than to have our Thanksgiving dinner by candlelight and a glowing Christmas tree :).

Anyway Here a few pictures from the weekend events, and some from the babys room! Enjoy....

Rachel looking out at the first real snowfall this season
Getting ready to carve!!
Babys room
That white blotchy looking stuff on the tree is the light from outside
Tah Dah! I made the artwork in the room, I cut our felt letters and birds and put them on beautiful turquoise paper. I really love how it turned out..


Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

What a fun Halloween! The baby's room is gorgeous! You'll have to take some pictures when Christmas is up. :)

Audrey Crisp said...

That is so much fun! I love the baby's room! Did you paint the little lamb pic too? Great job... I love the artwork and tree you did! You rock! I agree... I don't decorate for Thanksgiving either... and why leave it up for only a month? Maybe we'll do the same... I mean heck it's already up in all the stores to buy right? Glad you had a great Halloween!

Britta said...

That is so much fun!! We need to pick a day to get together soon for hat-ing and pillow-ing quick before the baby comes! I think I am going to inconspicuously start doing the Christmas thing too... little bit by little bit so Ben doesn't notice.. haha.

Rachelle said...

I want to stay in babys room! It looks so peaceful!!!