Friday, November 19, 2010

Life with the trio

My mom (bless her heart) has been here this week to help me adjust to this new adventure in life.....3 little people to take care of. So far it has been incredible and has brought so much joy... it has also been incredibly challenging, and has resulted in me breaking out into tears for no apparent reason at all....sleep deprivation?? Maybe:)?. I know I will adjust and soon, that is the beauty of life. The thing is our little ones get big so fast this phase in life really is a short one. Soon my little Ollie bug will be crawling, walking, talking....and it happens in the blink of an eye doesn't it? I look at Rachel and think to myself, what happened? You were my little bug, and before that it was Becca who was just a tiny infant in my arms. I am so lucky to have a man like Nathan by my side....MAN I JUST LOVE HIM AND OUR GIRLS SO MUCH!!!! He is such an incredible father, husband and friend. I loved watching him fall in love with our Ollie bug the minute he laid eyes on her! He is just smitten with our girls! Can I just tell you how sexy that is??? Well it is! Now I have a few pics from this last week..
Having her first bath


Audrey Crisp said...

So glad your sweet mom is there to help you. THat must be so hard to adjust to everything! She is so cute. THey do grow up so fast.

summer said...

That first picture is so precious - what darling girls! I love Becca's little look and Rachel's adoring glance to Miss B's face. Absolutely precious!

I've been there for adjustments through each child. I've had many cries as well - they can be very therapeutic! Enjoy your help (keep asking and accepting help - I wish I had done more of that!), relax and enjoy these you said they are so fleeting. And if life seems really hard - find things to let go of, and listen to some great Christmas music while drinking hot chocolate. Everything looks so much better when sipping hot cocoa!

Haley and Lance (but probably just Haley) said...

It was hard to tell at first, but I'm thinking she looks more like you. Good luck with this next little bit! Can't wait to meet her!

Stacie Aho said...

Darling! I love that picture of Rachel looking at Becca. So sweet. I'm sure 3 is tough- you are such a great mommy!

Tara said...

Your three girls are perfect! These are great pictures!

Merz said...

Wow congratulation, I'm super jealous of you easy labor! Good luck with 3 but I hear you just get used to it just like you did with 2! She is beautiful!